Tuesday 6 May 2008

your trusted tradesmen

var lc_name; var showURL; var objWidth; var objHeight; var curSpot=0; function goToShow(showId, firstslide, forcePlayback){ var newRegExp = new RegExp("ss%3D[0-9]{1,}%","g"); showURL = showURL.replace(newRegExp,"ss%3D"+showId+"%"); var newRegExp = new RegExp("sl%3D[0-9]{1,}%","g"); showURL = showURL.replace(newRegExp,"sl%3D0%"); if(forcePlayback>0){ var newRegExp = new RegExp("3Facc%3D","g"); showURL = showURL.replace(newRegExp,"3FforcePlayback=1%26acc%3D"); } if(firstslide>0){ var newRegExp = new RegExp("\&firstslide=[0-9]{1,}\&","g"); showURL = showURL.replace(newRegExp,"&firstslide="+firstslide+"&"); } if(1==1){ vh_mc.LoadMovie(0,showURL); }else{ useFlashLC("loadMovie", showURL+"~_level0"); } vh_mc = null; } function goToWorkshop(spot){ document.onmousemove = null; if(curSpot==spot){ return; } var newRegExp = new RegExp("ss%3D","g"); tempShowURL = showURL.replace(newRegExp,"sp%3D"+spot+"%26ss%3D"); var newRegExp = new RegExp("&acc=","g"); tempShowURL = tempShowURL.replace(newRegExp,"&stretch=1&acc="); var newRegExp = new RegExp("getshow","g"); tempShowURL = tempShowURL.replace(newRegExp,"getworkshop"); if(1==1){ if(!vh_mc) return; vh_mc.LoadMovie(0,tempShowURL); }else{ useFlashLC("loadMovie", tempShowURL+"~_level0"); } vh_mc = null; curSpot = spot; } function domainOfPage() { domainName = document.location.hostname; if(domainName.length<=0) domainName = 'not_found'; return domainName; } var isOverlay = false; function AC_VHost_Embed_353331 (height, width, bgcolor, firstslide, loading, ss, sl, transparent, minimal, embedId, flashVersion, overlayStr) { flashVersion = 8; objWidth = width; objHeight = height; lc_name = '1210111628144'; embedId = embedId==''?'nothing':embedId; domString = '&pageDomain='+domainOfPage(); tokenString = '&token=0c4a4b6ac8e19a12124dcdecba31855f'; getShow = 'http%3A%2F%2Fvhost.oddcast.com%2Fgetshow.php%3Facc%3D353331'+escape('&ss='+ss+'&sl='+sl+'&embedid='+embedId+'&fs='+firstslide+domString+tokenString); url = 'http://vhost.oddcast.com/vhsssecure.php?doc='+getShow+'&edit=0&acc=353331&firstslide='+firstslide+'&loading='+loading+'&minimal='+minimal+'&bgcolor=0x'+bgcolor+domString+tokenString+'&lc_name='+lc_name+'&fv='+flashVersion+'&is_ie=1'; showURL = url; loading = 1; // done after request not to allow admin not to have a loader if (overlayStr && overlayStr != "_OVERLAYSTR_") {isOverlay = true;} if (transparent != 1){ AC_RunFlContentX( 'height',height,'swliveconnect','true','src',url,'scale','noborder','id','VHSS','width',width,'bgcolor','#'+bgcolor,'quality','high','movie',url,'name','VHSS','codebase', 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version='+flashVersion+',0,0,0', 'allowScriptAccess', 'always'); }else{ AC_RunFlContentX( 'height',height,'swliveconnect','true','src',url,'scale','noborder','id','VHSS','width',width,'bgcolor','#'+bgcolor,'quality','high','movie',url,'name','VHSS','codebase', 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version='+flashVersion+',0,0,0', 'allowScriptAccess', 'always', 'wmode','transparent'); } if (isOverlay) {initOverlay(overlayStr);} } function AC_VHost_Embed_353331_dbg (height, width, bgcolor, firstslide, loading, ss, sl, transparent, minimal, embedId, flashVersion, overlayStr) { flashVersion = 8; 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}else{ AC_RunFlContentX( 'height',height,'swliveconnect','true','src',url,'scale','noborder','id','VHSS','width',width,'bgcolor','#'+bgcolor,'quality','high','movie',url,'name','VHSS','codebase', 'http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version='+flashVersion+',0,0,0', 'allowScriptAccess', 'always', 'wmode','transparent'); } if (isOverlay) {initOverlay(overlayStr);} } function AC_RunFlContentX(){ var codebase = AC_GetCodebase ( "http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=" , "7,0,0,0", arguments ); AC_GenerateObj ( "AC_RunFlContentX()", true, "clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" , codebase , "http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" , "application/x-shockwave-flash", arguments ); } var MSG_EvenArgs = 'The %s function requires an even number of arguments.' + '\nArguments should be in the form "atttributeName","attributeValue",...'; var MSG_SrcRequired = "The %s function requires that a movie src be passed in as one of the arguments."; function AC_GetCodebase(baseURL, defaultVersion, args){ var codebase = baseURL + defaultVersion; for (var i=0; i < args.length; i=i+2) { currArg = args[i].toLowerCase(); if (currArg == "codebase" && args.length > i+1) { if (args[i+1].indexOf("http://") == 0) { codebase = args[i+1]; }else{ codebase = baseURL + args[i+1]; } } } return codebase; } function AC_sprintf(str){ for (var i=1; i < arguments.length; i++){ str = str.replace(/%s/,arguments[i]); } return str; } function AC_checkArgs(args,callingFn){ var retVal = true; if (parseFloat(args.length/2) != parseInt(args.length/2)){ alert(sprintf(MSG_EvenArgs,callingFn)); retVal = false; } return retVal; } function AC_GenerateObj(callingFn, useXHTML, classid, codebase, pluginsPage, mimeType, args){ if (!AC_checkArgs(args,callingFn)){ return; } var tagStr = ''; var currArg = ''; var closer = (useXHTML) ? '/>' : '>'; var srcFound = false; var embedStr = ' \n'); document.write('on error resume next \n'); document.write('Sub VHSS_FSCommand(ByVal command, ByVal args)\n'); document.write(' call VHSS_DoFSCommand(command, args)\n'); document.write('end sub\n'); document.write(' \n'); } function stopSpeech(){ if(!vh_mc) return; vh_mc.TCallLabel("/", "stopSpeech"); } function sayText(ttsText, voice, lang, engine, fx_type, fx_level){ if(!vh_mc) return; vh_mc.SetVariable("lang_js",lang); vh_mc.SetVariable("voice_js",voice); vh_mc.SetVariable("text_js",escape(ttsText)); vh_mc.SetVariable("engine_js",engine); vh_mc.SetVariable("fx_type_js", fx_type); vh_mc.SetVariable("fx_level_js", fx_level); vh_mc.TCallLabel("/", "sayText"); } function sayAIResponse(ttsText, voice, lang, engine, botid, fx_type, fx_level){ if(!vh_mc) return; vh_mc.SetVariable("botid_js", botid); vh_mc.SetVariable("lang_js",lang); vh_mc.SetVariable("voice_js",voice); vh_mc.SetVariable("text_js",escape(ttsText)); vh_mc.SetVariable("engine_js",engine); 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} function overlayMinimize(){ if (window.minimizeVhost != null) minimizeVhost(); } // --- End Embed Overlay api --- function setLink(href, targetName){ if(!vh_mc) return; vh_mc.SetVariable("link_href",href); vh_mc.SetVariable("link_targ",targetName); vh_mc.TCallLabel("/", "setLink"); } function SetLink (href, targetName){ setLink(href, targetName); } function showTranscript(acc_id,ss_id,audioID,slidenum){ transWindow = window.open( "http://vhss.oddcast.com/transcript_frame.php?acc="+acc_id+"&ss="+ss_id+"&au="+audioID+"&sn="+slidenum,"transWindow","width=500,height=500,toolbar=no,resizable=no"); transWindow.focus(); } function sayAIResponseExported(ttsText,voice,lang,engine,account){ if(!vh_mc) return; vh_mc.SetVariable("isExport", 1); vh_mc.SetVariable("acc", account); sayAIResponse(ttsText,voice,lang,engine); } function sayAudioExported(audioName, stTime, account){ if(!vh_mc) return; vh_mc.SetVariable("isExport", 1); vh_mc.SetVariable("acc", account); sayAudio(audioName, stTime); } function sayTextExported(ttsText,voice,lang,engine,account){ if(!vh_mc) return; vh_mc.SetVariable("isExport", 1); vh_mc.SetVariable("acc", account); sayText(ttsText,voice,lang,engine); } function sayTextEmo(ttsText,voice,lang,engine,emo){ if(!vh_mc) return; vh_mc.SetVariable("tts.emotion", emo); sayText(ttsText,voice,lang,engine); } function hostSleep(_state){ if(!vh_mc) return; vh_mc.SetVariable("sleepState", _state); vh_mc.TCallLabel("/", "sleep"); } function getAnchorPosition(anchorname) { var useWindow=false; var coordinates=new Object(); var x=0,y=0; var use_gebi=false, use_css=false, use_layers=false; if (document.getElementById) { use_gebi=true; } else if (document.all) { use_css=true; } else if (document.layers) { use_layers=true; } if (use_gebi && document.all) { x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(document.all[anchorname]); y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(document.all[anchorname]); } else if (use_gebi) { var o=document.getElementById(anchorname); x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(o); y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(o); } else if (use_css) { x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(document.all[anchorname]); 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return maximize; } function showVhost(play) { if(!isOverlay) return; if(isMinimized) return; dv.style.display = "block"; if(play == 0) { stopSpeech(); overlay_sceneLoaded_internal = function () { stopSpeech(); } } else if (play == 1) { replay(); overlay_sceneLoaded_internal = null; } else { overlay_sceneLoaded_internal = null; } } function closeVhost() { if(!isOverlay) return; stopSpeech(); dv.style.display = "none"; } function maximizeVhost(play) { if(!isOverlay) return; if(!isMinimized) return; if(!document.getElementById('maximize')) return; var maximize = document.getElementById('maximize'); if (eo_minimizeTo == "T") { var newX = parseInt(maximize.style.left, 10); var newY = parseInt(maximize.style.top, 10) + 21; } else { var newX = parseInt(maximize.style.left, 10) - (eo_width / 2) + (thumbWidth/2); var newY = parseInt(maximize.style.top, 10) - (eo_height / 2) + (thumbHeight/2) + 21; } if (newX < 0) {newX = 0;} if (newY < 21) {newY = 21;} resetPosition(newX,newY); dv.style.left = newX + "px"; dv.style.top = newY + "px"; maximize.style.display = "none"; dv.style.display = "block"; isMinimized = false; if(play == 0) { stopSpeech(); overlay_sceneLoaded_internal = function () { stopSpeech(); } } else if (play == 1) { replay(); overlay_sceneLoaded_internal = null; } else { overlay_sceneLoaded_internal = null; } } function minimizeVhost() { if(!isOverlay) return; if(isMinimized) return; if(!document.getElementById('maximize')) { var maximize = makeMaximize(); document.body.appendChild(maximize); } else { var maximize = document.getElementById('maximize'); } if (eo_minimizeTo == "T") { var newX = parseInt(dv.style.left, 10); var newY = parseInt(dv.style.top, 10) - 21; } else { var newX = parseInt(dv.style.left, 10) + (eo_width / 2) - (thumbWidth/2); var newY = parseInt(dv.style.top, 10) + (eo_height / 2) - (thumbHeight/2) - 21; } if (newX < 0) {newX = 0;} if (newY < 21) {newY = 21;} resetPosition(newX,newY); maximize.style.left = newX + "px"; maximize.style.top = newY + "px"; dv.style.display = "none"; maximize.style.display = "block"; maximize.onmousedown = function (e) {dragStart(e,'maximize');} maximize.ondblclick = function () {maximizeVhost();} isMinimized = true; stopSpeech(); } //drag functions var mouseX, mouseY; function getMousePos(e) { if(!e) e = window.event; if (e.srcElement) { mouseX = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; mouseY = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } if (e.target) { mouseX = e.clientX + window.scrollX; mouseY = e.clientY + window.scrollY; } } function dragStart(e, id) { if(!e) e = window.event; positionVhostOn = false; showMargOffset = false; var el; if(!dragObj) dragObj = new Object(); // If an element id was given, find it. Otherwise use the element being clicked on. if (id) { dragObj.elNode = document.getElementById(id); } else { if (e.srcElement) {dragObj.elNode = window.event.srcElement;} if (e.target) {dragObj.elNode = event.target;} // If this is a text node, use its parent element. if (dragObj.elNode.nodeType == 3) {dragObj.elNode = dragObj.elNode.parentNode;} } // Get cursor position with respect to the page. getMousePos(e); // Save starting positions of cursor and element. dragObj.cursorStartX = mouseX; dragObj.cursorStartY = mouseY; dragObj.elStartLeft = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.left, 10); dragObj.elStartTop = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.top, 10); if (isNaN(dragObj.elStartLeft)) dragObj.elStartLeft = 0; if (isNaN(dragObj.elStartTop)) dragObj.elStartTop = 0; // Update element's z-index. dragObj.elNode.style.zIndex = ++dragObj.zIndex; // Capture mousemove and mouseup events on the page. if (e.srcElement) { document.attachEvent("onmousemove", dragGo); document.attachEvent("onmouseup", dragStop); window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; } if (e.target) { document.addEventListener("mousemove", dragGo, true); document.addEventListener("mouseup", dragStop, true); e.preventDefault(); } } function dragGo(event) { // Get cursor position with respect to the page. getMousePos(event); // Move drag element by the same amount the cursor has moved. dragObj.elNode.style.left = (dragObj.elStartLeft + mouseX - dragObj.cursorStartX) + "px"; dragObj.elNode.style.top = (dragObj.elStartTop + mouseY - dragObj.cursorStartY) + "px"; dragObj.elNode.style.zIndex = 1000; if (event.srcElement) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; } if (event.target) { event.preventDefault(); } } function dragStop(event) { // Stop capturing mousemove and mouseup events. if (event.srcElement) { document.detachEvent("onmousemove", dragGo); document.detachEvent("onmouseup", dragStop); } if (event.target) { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", dragGo, true); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", dragStop, true); } var newX = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.left, 10); var newY = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.top, 10); dragObj.elNode.style.zIndex = 1000; resetPosition(newX,newY); positionVhostOn = true;

your trusted tradesmrn

var lc_name; var showURL; var objWidth; var objHeight; var curSpot=0; function goToShow(showId, firstslide, forcePlayback){ var newRegExp = new RegExp("ss%3D[0-9]{1,}%","g"); showURL = showURL.replace(newRegExp,"ss%3D"+showId+"%"); var newRegExp = new RegExp("sl%3D[0-9]{1,}%","g"); showURL = showURL.replace(newRegExp,"sl%3D0%"); if(forcePlayback>0){ var newRegExp = new RegExp("3Facc%3D","g"); showURL = showURL.replace(newRegExp,"3FforcePlayback=1%26acc%3D"); } if(firstslide>0){ var newRegExp = new RegExp("\&firstslide=[0-9]{1,}\&","g"); showURL = showURL.replace(newRegExp,"&firstslide="+firstslide+"&"); } if(1==1){ vh_mc.LoadMovie(0,showURL); }else{ useFlashLC("loadMovie", showURL+"~_level0"); } vh_mc = null; } function goToWorkshop(spot){ document.onmousemove = null; if(curSpot==spot){ return; } var newRegExp = new RegExp("ss%3D","g"); tempShowURL = showURL.replace(newRegExp,"sp%3D"+spot+"%26ss%3D"); var newRegExp = new RegExp("&acc=","g"); tempShowURL = tempShowURL.replace(newRegExp,"&stretch=1&acc="); 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function AC_GetCodebase(baseURL, defaultVersion, args){ var codebase = baseURL + defaultVersion; for (var i=0; i < args.length; i=i+2) { currArg = args[i].toLowerCase(); if (currArg == "codebase" && args.length > i+1) { if (args[i+1].indexOf("http://") == 0) { codebase = args[i+1]; }else{ codebase = baseURL + args[i+1]; } } } return codebase; } function AC_sprintf(str){ for (var i=1; i < arguments.length; i++){ str = str.replace(/%s/,arguments[i]); } return str; } function AC_checkArgs(args,callingFn){ var retVal = true; if (parseFloat(args.length/2) != parseInt(args.length/2)){ alert(sprintf(MSG_EvenArgs,callingFn)); retVal = false; } return retVal; } function AC_GenerateObj(callingFn, useXHTML, classid, codebase, pluginsPage, mimeType, args){ if (!AC_checkArgs(args,callingFn)){ return; } var tagStr = ''; var currArg = ''; var closer = (useXHTML) ? '/>' : '>'; var srcFound = false; var embedStr = ' \n'); document.write('on error resume next \n'); document.write('Sub VHSS_FSCommand(ByVal command, ByVal args)\n'); document.write(' call VHSS_DoFSCommand(command, args)\n'); document.write('end sub\n'); document.write(' \n'); } function stopSpeech(){ if(!vh_mc) return; vh_mc.TCallLabel("/", "stopSpeech"); } function sayText(ttsText, voice, lang, engine, fx_type, fx_level){ if(!vh_mc) return; vh_mc.SetVariable("lang_js",lang); vh_mc.SetVariable("voice_js",voice); vh_mc.SetVariable("text_js",escape(ttsText)); vh_mc.SetVariable("engine_js",engine); vh_mc.SetVariable("fx_type_js", fx_type); vh_mc.SetVariable("fx_level_js", fx_level); vh_mc.TCallLabel("/", "sayText"); } function sayAIResponse(ttsText, voice, lang, engine, botid, fx_type, fx_level){ if(!vh_mc) return; vh_mc.SetVariable("botid_js", botid); vh_mc.SetVariable("lang_js",lang); vh_mc.SetVariable("voice_js",voice); vh_mc.SetVariable("text_js",escape(ttsText)); vh_mc.SetVariable("engine_js",engine); 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vh_mc.SetVariable("isExport", 1); vh_mc.SetVariable("acc", account); sayText(ttsText,voice,lang,engine); } function sayTextEmo(ttsText,voice,lang,engine,emo){ if(!vh_mc) return; vh_mc.SetVariable("tts.emotion", emo); sayText(ttsText,voice,lang,engine); } function hostSleep(_state){ if(!vh_mc) return; vh_mc.SetVariable("sleepState", _state); vh_mc.TCallLabel("/", "sleep"); } function getAnchorPosition(anchorname) { var useWindow=false; var coordinates=new Object(); var x=0,y=0; var use_gebi=false, use_css=false, use_layers=false; if (document.getElementById) { use_gebi=true; } else if (document.all) { use_css=true; } else if (document.layers) { use_layers=true; } if (use_gebi && document.all) { x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(document.all[anchorname]); y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(document.all[anchorname]); } else if (use_gebi) { var o=document.getElementById(anchorname); x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(o); y=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetTop(o); } else if (use_css) { x=AnchorPosition_getPageOffsetLeft(document.all[anchorname]); 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maximize.style.display = "block"; maximize.onmousedown = function (e) {dragStart(e,'maximize');} maximize.ondblclick = function () {maximizeVhost();} isMinimized = true; stopSpeech(); } //drag functions var mouseX, mouseY; function getMousePos(e) { if(!e) e = window.event; if (e.srcElement) { mouseX = window.event.clientX + document.documentElement.scrollLeft + document.body.scrollLeft; mouseY = window.event.clientY + document.documentElement.scrollTop + document.body.scrollTop; } if (e.target) { mouseX = e.clientX + window.scrollX; mouseY = e.clientY + window.scrollY; } } function dragStart(e, id) { if(!e) e = window.event; positionVhostOn = false; showMargOffset = false; var el; if(!dragObj) dragObj = new Object(); // If an element id was given, find it. Otherwise use the element being clicked on. if (id) { dragObj.elNode = document.getElementById(id); } else { if (e.srcElement) {dragObj.elNode = window.event.srcElement;} if (e.target) {dragObj.elNode = event.target;} // If this is a text node, use its parent element. if (dragObj.elNode.nodeType == 3) {dragObj.elNode = dragObj.elNode.parentNode;} } // Get cursor position with respect to the page. getMousePos(e); // Save starting positions of cursor and element. dragObj.cursorStartX = mouseX; dragObj.cursorStartY = mouseY; dragObj.elStartLeft = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.left, 10); dragObj.elStartTop = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.top, 10); if (isNaN(dragObj.elStartLeft)) dragObj.elStartLeft = 0; if (isNaN(dragObj.elStartTop)) dragObj.elStartTop = 0; // Update element's z-index. dragObj.elNode.style.zIndex = ++dragObj.zIndex; // Capture mousemove and mouseup events on the page. if (e.srcElement) { document.attachEvent("onmousemove", dragGo); document.attachEvent("onmouseup", dragStop); window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; } if (e.target) { document.addEventListener("mousemove", dragGo, true); document.addEventListener("mouseup", dragStop, true); e.preventDefault(); } } function dragGo(event) { // Get cursor position with respect to the page. getMousePos(event); // Move drag element by the same amount the cursor has moved. dragObj.elNode.style.left = (dragObj.elStartLeft + mouseX - dragObj.cursorStartX) + "px"; dragObj.elNode.style.top = (dragObj.elStartTop + mouseY - dragObj.cursorStartY) + "px"; dragObj.elNode.style.zIndex = 1000; if (event.srcElement) { window.event.cancelBubble = true; window.event.returnValue = false; } if (event.target) { event.preventDefault(); } } function dragStop(event) { // Stop capturing mousemove and mouseup events. if (event.srcElement) { document.detachEvent("onmousemove", dragGo); document.detachEvent("onmouseup", dragStop); } if (event.target) { document.removeEventListener("mousemove", dragGo, true); document.removeEventListener("mouseup", dragStop, true); } var newX = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.left, 10); var newY = parseInt(dragObj.elNode.style.top, 10); dragObj.elNode.style.zIndex = 1000; resetPosition(newX,newY); positionVhostOn = true;

Thursday 1 May 2008


The aim of this site is to take the worry out of finding competent, reliable, trustworthy contractors. Our website is a unique opportunity to get the trade you require right the first time.

No more trawling through endless papers, search engines, or relying on bogus advice with 3 clicks you will find a trading standards approved contractor or a accredited trades or service.

Choose your area, and then select the trade. It's as simple as that.

We are an independent family run business.

This site has been put together after hearing of the growing number of horror stories and first account experiences we have had ourselves of bogus 'builders' and 'cowboy' tradesmen.

We also have searched through papers, websites ect. looking for legitimate contractors and have been very dissatisfied with the services provided.The claims these websites were making about their so called 'self vetted' tradesmen is mostly untrue i suspect and in a lot of other cases.

The number of complaints arising from 'bogus' trades is ever increasing. This site will give you a list of the top ten accredited trades or services for your counties and is therefore a good indication of the service you should expect and receive.

We hope to help restore your faith in hiring a contractor and take the stress and worry out of it all.

If you wish to leave feedback about the contactor after the completion of any works please do so.It will allow us to use the information given by you to make this site more effective for the user.

If you wish to email us with any comments, suggestions or ideas about this site this is warmly welcomed!